Navigating Waitlists webinar recording available now
The recording and slides are now available from our March webinar, Navigating Waitlists & Mid-Cycle Updates, where admissions officers updated us on how the cycle is going so far this year and answered questions on waitlists and more. Use the password found in our most recent MAPLA Member Minute newsletter.
New Resources available to MAPLA members
This summer, MAPLA updated our Member Content & Resources page to make it more user friendly and add lots of new content! You’ll now find an archive of our previous MAPLA Minute email newsletters, and a BRAND NEW Member Resources page with tons of resources for both new and experienced pre-law advisors. Check it out and update your bookmarks! You’ll find the annual MAPLA member password to access these areas of the site in every MAPLA minute newsletter.
Remembering MAPLA’s Longtime Treasurer and Former President, Don Racheter
Read our tribute to MAPLA’s longtime treasurer, Don Racheter, who recently passed away at MAPLA Remembers Don Racheter. Don’s legacy will continue to be celebrated by MAPLA through initiatives he started including the Racheter DEI MAPLA Membership Scholarship and the Racheter MAPLA Impact Award.